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How to Plan your Upcoming Photoshoot with KEPhotos

Updated: 2 days ago

So you have booked yourself in for a photoshoot with KEPhotos, how exciting! If you have never worked with us before, or even had a photoshoot, we understand it can sometimes feel a bit daunting. But don't panic! We're here to make sure you have all the information you need to help prepare for the big day.

Before the Day: Planning your moves

  • Private shoots (40 minutes), 12-15 moves

  • Event day (30 minutes), 8-10 moves

  • Event day (15 minutes), 6-7 moves

Whatever your apparatus, grouping your moves based on height allows you to get more moves for your time. For example, if using hoop, we would suggest grouping together anything that is under the bottom bar together, and the same goes for anything in the hoop or anything above the top bar.

You may have an idea in your head of the angle you'd like to get for each move. It can be a huge help for us if you have a saved list of photos so that we can see what you'd like to achieve and how we can make it happen.


  • If you're feeling nervous, have an easy move ready to start with. This will mentally warm you up for the rest of the shoot!

  • Sometimes getting a move perfect can be tricky. We suggest trying it no more than three times to prevent frustration and using up your time.

  • Sharing time: Sometimes people pair up for an hour and take it in turns. This allows you to take breaks in between.

  • If you run out of moves, you can always have a look through our Little Book of Pole and Hoop Poses! We take this book with us to all locations so that you can flip through our selection of super easy poses.

Arrival Time

During event days, all the shoots are back to back with very little time in between each client. It is important to arrive no later than fifteen minutes before your time slot so that you can be warmed up and ready. It's also advised to come in five minutes before your time begins so that we can get you signed in and give you a quick runthrough.

What to Wear

While there aren't many strict rules for what you can/cannot wear, we do advise against wearing long dark sleeves and leggings if you're booked onto a shoot with a dark backdrop, such as our smoke shoots. This is because you will disappear into the background, an issue we cannot fix in editing.

AERIAL MOON: As our aerial moon is powder coated, please do not wear any jewelry as it will scratch the surface.

We also suggest keeping an eye out for small outfit errors before jumping in front of the camera, such as:

  • Bobbles on wrists

  • Loose/long laces on boots

  • Twisted straps (sometimes this cannot be avoided but it's worth a quick check).

  • Undergarments poking out

  • Socks left on

  • Glasses (only if you didn't plan on wearing them)

Note: We understand that sometimes clothes can rouche and pull in places during the shoot. We may be able to fix some areas during editing but please note that any patterned or textured fabric will likely be too complex to edit. We also may not be able to fix any fishnets due to the complexity of matching the pattern. If you request a mid or full edit over fishnets, this may also not be possible.

Specific Tips for Each Shoot Style (links below)

  • Smoke - We need the smoke to stay behind you, so if it comes forward, we will need to pause for a moment and use the fan to disperse it. This doesn't happen often but it's something to be aware of.

  • Clouds (starry, angel delight, etc) - The clouds will flow below you and must land no higher than mid-calf height. If it goes too high, we will need to reset.

  • Halloween - Do not wear black for this shoot. The gel lighting creates a monochromatic effect with incredibly dark shadows, wearing black will block out all of the shape in your moves, so opt for a light colour that the gels can bounce off.

  • Spring Fling - This shoot is not for advanced moves. Please choose moves and poses that will fit within our flower frame.

  • Smoke and Mirrors - The flooring for this theme can warp reflections, particularly the face. While we do fix this where we can, please select photos with the least amount of warping (in some cases we can crop the bottom away but it does depend on the image).

  • Secret Garden

After the shoot

You should expect an email from us a few days after your shoot with two links:

  • Link 1 - This takes you to your private gallery where you can download watermarked images and narrow down your favourites

  • Link 2 - This is a Google Form for making your order. Please read the first page carefully before submitting the form.

Once you have ordered and paid for your images, we will send you a deadline date for the final images. This is usually a 10-week deadline but we always aim to get them to you sooner, so keep an eye on your inbox just in case! And in the unlikely event that there will be delays, we will be in touch to let you know beforehand.

And that is everything you need to know about a KEP photoshoot! If you haven't booked with us but would like to do so, head over to our events page for upcoming dates, or get in touch to book a private shoot.

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